Wednesday, May 22

learning 'the look'

I love jobs that require uniforms. There's just something about them. It makes the employee recognizable and consistent. If you've flown, you've seen flight attendants gliding through terminals, almost always in uniform and in compliance. Different jobs I've worked have required, well, less than polished uniforms. Here are a few examples...

I worked at the Apple Store for a few years which required a lanyard, an Apple t-shirt, and jeans. You could have tattoos, piercings, purple hair...really it was a free-for-all. I have also worked at different hospitals and doctors offices over the years. The uniform? Scrubs. Basically, pajamas they allow you to work in. Amazing. I attempted to find pictures of employees at other places I've worked but I struck out. Needless to say, they were about as professional as the above two pictures. Nothing special.

But then, we have the flight attendant. Perfectly polished manicures, clean updos, ironed overall put-together look. Let's be clear though, I'm still mastering this 'look'. I'm more of a hair down, colorful nails, skinny jeans, and ballet flats kind of girl. Heels, updos, pantyhose, and a suit? Not so much. I see where 7 weeks of training comes in handy though. For others like me who have struggled to stay upright in heels for 12 hours, we need this time to 'train'. I may or may not have a story about a time that I fell, flat on my face, wearing heels in Target. Humiliating? Yes. Hilarious? Most definitely. Thankfully, I have walked a mile home from the training center to my hotel multiple times in heels these last 7 weeks, so I'm getting that part down.

Here are some things that I've learned are essential to mastering 'the look'...

·Find an updo that is quick and easy and become an expert at it. You'll want something fast when you have a 3:30am wake up call. My go to hairstyles? A ponytail, french twist, or a bun. I also love braiding my hair back, it adds some softness and femininity to an otherwise harsh hairstyle.

·Purchase heels that are more comfortable than they are fashionable. When you're running from terminal to terminal, your feet will thank you. I found this pair at Payless for $10!! Oh...have an extra pair of pantyhose with you at all times. They tend to run faster than Usain Bolt.

·Make sure to wear a good base coat and top coat with your nail polish. When you're putting bags in overhead bins, pushing the beverage cart, and opening 1,000 sodas in a day, you're pretty much guaranteed to chip your nail polish. Not cute. I love this affordable base coat and top coat from Revlon.

·I have never been one for clean, hairsprayed updos. Like I said earlier, I'm a hair down and wavy kind of girl. But, that's not really an option as a flight attendant. Hairspray is a must. The L'Oreal Elnett Satin Hairspray is an excellent option for those of you who need to keep your hair up all day.

Most of these things I have learned from trial and error. I've improved in multiple areas, but I still have a long way to go until I look as effortlessly put-together as the 'senior mamas' out there. For now, my hair is going up in a messy bun and I'm throwing on my lounge pants. I'll figure the rest out later :)

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