Saturday, July 13

sips n strokes: a girl's night

A few girls from my small group planned a Sips n Strokes themed girl's night on the 5th that I originally wasn't able to make because of work. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I ended up staying in Birmingham, enabling me to come! For those of you who don’t know, Sips n Strokes is an art instruction studio that teaches you to paint step-by-step while sipping on drinks and snacking. Since many of us have been to a Sips n Strokes class before, we chose to instead have one at my friend Sarah’s house. There was plenty of food, wonderful friends, and an abundance of creativity.

Towards the end of the night we had a guess-the-number-of-M&Ms-in-the-cup game. Peanut butter and chocolate is my kryptonite. So, before knowing about the game, I ate two of the M&Ms. SMH. In my defense, Sarah's sister did the same thing. No biggie, subtract 4 from the total and we’re good. In the end, I didn’t come close to guessing the right number. I guess that's what I deserved.

I’m so thankful for these sweet women! God has blessed me beyond measure by placing them in my life and I’m thrilled to have been able to make it to girl’s night!

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